Sushi Striker: The Way Of Sushido Review

Sushi Striker: The Way Of Sushido Review 

Sushi Striker, the puzzle / action game that makes sushi sexy

Difficult at first to take this Sushi Striker seriously. Narrating the story of a young sushist, he quickly confronts the player with problems from another planet. In a world where sushi represents the new black gold, wars break out in order to own this irresistible commodity. With its plates to be combined according to their colors, the title published by Nintendo is definitely ready to make us swallow salads. It only remains to verify if the concept remains digestible even swallowed raw.


There are titles that deal with serious matters in a humorous way, and there is Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido. Placed in a delirious Japanese animated film which tells of a world where sushi is worth gold, the player must above all learn to harness the power of these delicious dishes. To do this, and a bit like a bust-a-move thinking / action game, he is above all invited to connect adjacent plates of the same color which scroll on rows of horizontal treadmills. If it exceeds more than seven seconds during this initiative, the latter disappear. Once emptied of their contents, they are available to be sent like frisbees in the teeth of the opponent who tries to do exactly the same thing, but in the opposite camp. The two participants each have three rugs, but also a common row whose sushi passing by can be taken by anyone. The holes on the mats give access to the plates that are on the terraced lines, while the color code of the bowls defines the points of damage inflicted on capture and on successful sending. However, it must be recognized that at the speed at which the action takes place, the choice of color does not immediately enter into strategic considerations.

If the concept may seem nebulous in writing, it only takes a few minutes to understand how everything works. The larger the stack of captured plates, the higher the damage. Attack power is also important as it can knock over stacks of opponent's dishes. The main adventure adorns his fights with additional game mechanisms, like the blows that can only be caused with a sufficient number of plates combined. Over the course of the epic, the character embodied by the player befriends Sushinities. These cute little creatures with adorable facial expressions grant additional abilities during clashes, such as regaining hit points by targeting sweet treats. In the company of three of these creatures (to change in the menus), it is easier to prevail against the opponents, especially if the budding sushist surrounds himself with those who best suit his playing style (attack, defense).


Despite the great importance of the color of the plates, the foods that cover them also have an impact during the game. For example, a stack of bowls containing the same type of sushi hits harder. Finally, these dishes unleash combat powers if eaten in large quantities and selected as the preferred sushi in the options. The player also has access to regulators that he collects during his progression, allowing, among other things, to accelerate the treadmill for faster access to the desired colors. The more the rank of sushist progresses, the more sushinities are interested in the fate of the embodied protagonist. These small layers which add to the basic gameplay are appreciable while remaining discreet, even if speed, even haste, remains the surest way to prevail in most situations.

When touched on the screen, Sushi Striker is not very legible since the finger tends to hide important elements. The controls with the Joy-Con make the experience particularly easy since it is enough to orient the stick in all directions so that the cursor is automatically magnetized on the correct plate closest. The sensitivity of the sticks of Joy-Con causes some inaccuracies when it comes to moving his hero to send the plates, which causes the loss of combo when batteries of the same color are supposed to be balanced. Those who want to increase the difficulty will simply equip the special belt which divides the hit points by two, but brings back more experience.

Obviously, Sushi Striker offers a multi mode playable locally and online. The servers were not open at the time of writing, so we focused on the split screen. Two, no jealous, everyone is put on the same level in order to ensure fairness. The frantic action lends itself well to games with friends, although it is sometimes complicated to understand everything that is happening on the screen. In nomadic mode for two on the small screen of the Switch, readability poses some problems, especially for the candidate placed at the top of the screen.

The notes
+ Positive points
Very accessible, but with a multitude of rules for experienced players
A concept perfectly thought out for short play sessions alone or with friends
The crazy Japanese animated side is pleasant

-Negative points
Not very practical by touch
Easy, but slightly inaccurate at Joy-Con
Speed ​​takes precedence over thinking
Not always easy to read, especially in nomad mode

By proposing to the player to collect plates of sushi to send in the discontent of bellicose adversaries, Sushi Striker does its best to combine flavors. In terms of its ingredients, there is a good portion of action and a few grams of reflection in a cocktail accessible to all. It is above all its totally quirky atmosphere that leaves a particularly pleasant tangy aroma. It is in any case a good companion during short sessions, without becoming a new standard of the genre. The slight flutter in the handling and the rules that favor a little too much precipitation can stay through the throat.
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