West Of Loathing game Review

West Of Loathing game  Review

PC version
The whole game is in English. No French translation exists yet. Anglophobes, I do not close the door for you: all this criticism will be translated into the most approximate French, with translation marked with an asterisk.

West of Repugnance * is a comedic JDR * with breathtaking graphics.

Like any self-respecting JDR *, it contains three classes to choose from at the start of the game. We have the immense chance to choose between the snake oiler *, the bean sling * or the cow hitter *.

The game first greeted me with simple but effective controls: click to move the character, but we will realize that the movement is still greatly facilitated when using the zqsd keys or the directional pad. The two can even be combined in combat, to select spells / aptitudes on one side and select the target on the other.
Actions are also always accompanied by the key that must be pressed in parentheses so that we never get lost.

All the objects of interest immediately bring up a clearly visible emerging text *, indicating what can be done with it or an anecdote, systematically stupid.

After having grasped all the difficulty of the game, I found my first profit from hard work * (perk, because it is totally impossible to translate), soberly entitled "silly market *". Since then, I understood: this game was going to resent my abs.

I indeed spent the whole game splitting my mouth in front of the incredible bottomless pit of the absurdity of writing, which is worth for itself the discovery of the game. However an advanced level of English is required, the jokes being sometimes of very high flight.

The story is not even worth the trouble that I reveal it so much it is insane and then no disclosure * here.

Just know that you are going to fight or cut a bib with skeletons, infernal cows, boys or boys, cowherds * more stupid than each other, goblins (who have their own language), ancient robots or even ghosts. The distant American west is not what it used to be my good lady.

For about ten hours for my first game, the game is surprisingly long and we do not see the time passing. The game is obviously replayable, each class being played differently and each part allows you to choose your travel companion. The humor obviously doesn't work as well in the second part, but we always discover other tricks each time that make us wonder what really went through the minds of the writers.

Play it if you understand English very well. The JDR * is only a pretext to make you idiots for hours. For the others, I apologize, but don't break your teeth, you will miss what makes the salt of this game.

With that, I have foul smelling spittoons to search. Yeehaw!
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hicham elaziz love games . apps and entertainment
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