No Man's Sky Next game Review: You Are Not Alone
No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?Two years after a tumultuous launch, illustrated through many technical concerns and a lack of content compared to what had been initially promised, No Man's Sky returns and tries to get out of the often bleak hut in which it had been placed by many disappointed players. Planned as a long-term project, the game at Hello Games has not failed and has improved over time, taking advantage of three major updates and a last one, called NEXT, which offers everything the world was waiting for the release: a true multiplayer dimension. Did the title, 100% sandbox and relatively abstract, become the work promised for the announcement in 2013?
Many were those who followed the title through its different moults, but for a player of the first hour having never relaunched it after a few weeks of play, the transformation is total. Graphics, interface, scenario, depth of play, offline and online features: everything has been reviewed and improved, so that we will recommend players to start from scratch to bathe in the new frame, reshaped, and better articulated than before. Because if No Man’s Sky tended, after instilling in us the basics, to embark on a frantic race towards the center of the universe, the only real goal to achieve, we now see many more nuances in the progression of the player. So let's try to see what the different updates bring independently and how Hello Games has managed to strengthen its title gradually ...
No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?Soon enough, the players of the first hour summed up No Man’s Sky as a space title where we had to chain the superluminal jumps and stop from time to time to collect and sell resources in order to continue our journey. Update 1.1 therefore tried to break this routine, which can quickly be harmful to the experience if we do not get caught up in the game of planetary exploration. The first step was to settle the players and offer them hooking points, materialized by the basic construction, foundation of the space journey. Apart from the addition of the Survival mode, more difficult than the normal mode, we have therefore seen the dawn of a Creative mode, coming to offer players to give free rein to their imagination when it comes to creating habitats and recruiting sellers and other merchants in order to settle on a planet. This mode allows you to quickly access the construction, however keep in mind that the latter is also anchored in your "normal" part and will punctuate your breaks because it is possible to teleport from base to base. So, even if you take on the game of racing in the center, it will not be uncommon to spend a few hours playing interior designers and getting into intensive housing. The bases allow the player to cultivate resources outdoors or indoors, to position save points and other treats ideal to facilitate the phases of research of resources.
No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?
The arrival of the Cargo, an imposing and devilishly practical stellar vehicle, will also allow you to arrange an additional interior, making it a mobile base that will make it easier for you to manage and transfer objects, one of the concerns of the basic game. . To facilitate these interactions with the inventory, Hello Games quickly integrated a quick access menu, very practical when it comes to recharging the various vital systems of the combination and the multi-tool. Now, with a few keystrokes, it is possible to call vessels and freighters and build as we wish, taking advantage of an intuitive and frankly well thought out system that adapts to both exteriors and interiors. Construction, sedentarization, and freighter travel are therefore the three keywords of this update.PATH FINDER: SPECIALIZATION AT THE SERVICE OF EXPLORATION
No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?
The Path Finder update proposed, like its predecessor, many additions and will pay the passage a small facelift, greatly improving the graphics of the game which benefit from new textures, support more display technologies on PC and console (with including 4K and the improved experience on PS4 Pro). The bases can since this update be shared online and it is therefore possible to land on a planet and find a base to claim, built by players who may have left us some messages.No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?
Another cornerstone of exploration, vehicles have also undergone a major overhaul, introducing a class system with dedicated bonuses. We can now have several different ships, stored in our cargo, in order to choose according to the situation for a fighter, a merchant, a miner or an explorer, previously equipped with technologies optimized for the targeted activity. This specialization also affects your multi-function tool, cut for several types of activities. A frankly welcome approach in No Man's Sky, which encouraged the player a little too much to camp on his choice of equipment.No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?
In order to streamline this new dynamic, the developers have reworked the economic aspect of the title by giving the different races of NPCs sharper commercial characteristics. So, if you want to improve your exo-combination, it will be enough to haggle with Korvax aliens, with which you can exchange Nanites (a currency accompanying credits) in order to buy dedicated technology plans. We find the same procedure for improvements to the multi-tool, the ship, and for the acquisition of new construction plans dedicated to your interiors.No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?
In order to encourage players to move around within the biomes, three earth exploration vehicles enrich the content of the game, which has already been reinforced on all floors. These allow you to wander more efficiently on the surface of each planet and will save you from spending precious fuel on each spacecraft takeoff, a penalty that once tended to divert players from planetary exploration. Variable in size, these vehicles make it possible to take advantage of local resources and energize the surface research phases, in addition to providing significant support in terms of storage and mining. Note also that a photo mode appears with the update, just to capture the key moments of your adventure.ATLAS RISES: DENSIFYING THE SOLO EXPERIENCE AND THE MULTIPLAYER
No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?
The update 1.3 of the title, Atlas Rises, was in a way the beginnings of NEXT by putting the package on the quests and on the mechanics of craft. The interface then hosts a quest log, ideal for tracking multiple objectives and varying missions, which once again breaks the routine. In the same genre, we note that the menu of discoveries is also modified in order to offer players more data as to the resources present on a biome, and also allows you to consult the specifics and descriptions of the elements encountered or constructible. Enough to help players set their own goals without too much frustration with the unknown and without losing track of their quest.No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?
The new script arc, introduced during this update, promises a total of more than 30 hours of additional script and boosts progression, itself now amplified by the appearance of side missions given by NPCs. The missions are of varying difficulty and the reputation you will have with the different races will unlock better quests, so do not hesitate to interact with many characters and offer them gifts to improve your relationships.
Slowly but surely, Hello Games knew for 2 years to prepare the ground for its last update in date by systematically focusing on the returns of its community to improve the totality of the sections that make up the title. Now let's tackle 1.5, which will not be the last update of the No Man’s Sky adventure.
No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?NEXT notably introduces two key features: the third person, both on foot and in a vehicle, and multiplayer, in clusters of 4. This group can be made up of friends, starting a new adventure together, or strangers joining in the games. from each other from the main menu of the game. It will then be possible to interact together, communicate in particular via emotes or VOIP, and perform quests in multi.
No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?
In order to triangulate the position of the players and take advantage of the portals, making it possible to teleport anywhere, Hello Games has set up the Galactic Atlas, a website for referencing the places visited by the community with description, images, and contact information. What effectively plan certain group excursions with the objective of visiting specific planets. To differentiate yourself from other players, a customization of the avatar is accessible from the orbital stations and allows you to choose between 5 distinct races, a purely cosmetic but well felt addition.No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?
Hello Games is also adding, via the NEXT update, a system for sending frigates on mission to collect resources and technologies. The latter are made up of very distinct stages that the mission journal comes to detail, sometimes bringing some well-felt twists and turns. For example, a merchant frigate may be equipped beforehand with a defense module which, in the event of an encounter, may allow it to survive, where without this single-use technology, it would have been destroyed. Occasionally, there will be a call from the frigate reporting significant damage and asking if it is really wise to keep the mission in court. It is up to you to decide based on the expected rewards and the level of damage suffered. In addition, the missions have generally gained in variety, hosting photography quests, an approach to fauna, flora, minerals and archaeological treasures as well as hunting and defense missions. On this subject, we will also note a lot of additions in terms of detection of points of interest and a wider variety in fauna and flora with an overall improvement in the mechanics of the latter. It is also preferable to be very careful when destroying the flora, because some eggs hide their game well… The game therefore gains in density and allows the very pleasant experience of free exploration of the universe, to 4 players.NO MAN’S SKY NEXT, A REDESIGN THAT MAKES YOU WANT TO GO BACK?
No Man's Sky NEXT: Does he deserve our return two years later?
Offering a new layer of multiplayer which logically will not stop in such a good way and could open up to larger groups in the future, NEXT already offers a lot and marks an important step of “return to the game” for those who have been curious to see the evolution of the title since its release. The online experience is completely new, has no equivalent on the market to date and is proving devilishly effective although it can already be considerably improved by adding features. Now more muscular, much richer in content, and deeper in what it has to offer in terms of scenario and quest, the epic is all the more beautiful and has taken care to erase the faults of 1.0 listening carefully to player feedback.The notes
+ Positive points
A unique adventure of its kind, to be enjoyed alone or in a group (up to 4 players currently)
Basic, intuitive and well thought out construction and management that will motivate players to settle
Huge work on the variety of missions and on the staging of exploration
Sound design and music always very planing and relevant
A procedural generation much more developed than before
A more beautiful, colorful and contemplative game
Support that reserves for players massive new updates for the coming months
-Negative points
A few more bugs, sometimes quite annoying
Exploration and farm routines always a little too present
Inventory and menu management still a bit cumbersome
A fairly limited multiplayer at present
NEXT perfects the DNA of No Man's Sky and offers what one could expect from version 1.0 of the title: a solo and multiplayer exploration, an important network of discoveries embodied by the galactic atlas, an unlinear adventure and a strong will to offer us several paths to evolve. Through our choice of activities, our propensity to stop on a planet to establish ourselves and our personal evolution, No Man's Sky finally realizes the dream of Sean Murray, two years after the initial release. More than ever, the title is a tasty space sandbox, hovering, relaxing and immersive, on which it is pleasant to play alone or accompanied. An excellent experience as atypical as it is memorable.
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