No Man's Sky game Review
No Man's Sky Beyond: Should we really get back to it?Three years after its release, No Man’s Sky has gone from the ugly duckling to a title to the strong community, praised worldwide for the surprising redemption of its developers. A far cry from what it was at its beginnings, the interstellar exploration game has again been greatly modified by Beyond, the latest patch. Let's see what it is today.
It's hard to sum up the strengths of No Man’s Sky in one sentence. However, as soon as he came out, however chaotic, between bugs and shortcomings, he had for him the promise of an infinite adventure, a push that we were by an irreversible desire to explore. A neat atmosphere that invites the player to discover new environments, from moon to moon, from planet to planet, from system to system. Logs with sometimes terrifying stories, contacts with indigenous races and the quest for the center of the galaxy make the charm of Hello Games, aided by the captivating soundtrack of the 65daysofstatic group, perfectly adapted to the contemplative dimension. Artwork. Three main quests, crafting not knowing what to do with it and multiplayer, this is the content that punctuated our adventures so far. But what does Beyond bring?
No Man's Sky Beyond: Should we really get back to it?More than content, Beyond above all brings ways to play. The first is the multiplayer game, which already exists, but much more tamed in this update. The Nexus is now the cornerstone of group play, especially with strangers. It is a HUB which replaces the spatial anomalies and in which, in addition to the faithful Nada and Polo, you find yourself with 15 other players and this without loading time. In this Nexus, you can find missions to do with a group of four players, randomly sent to the far reaches of the galaxy. There are many types of missions, such as finding a crashed freighter, destroying plants, but also building shelters, harvesting items or participating in furious dogfights. Note that apart from these missions, the multi general is also expanded with the possibility of bringing together up to 32 players together on PC, and 8 on consoles. This time, we do not say no, even if we must admit that the instability of the servers can cause some visual bugs with players and icons who are not really in their place, for example. Pity…
Beyond brings another major addition that probably does not speak to everyone: virtual reality. If you have a helmet, whether on PS4 or PC, you can now fully immerse yourself in the adventure, on foot on the planets or in flight. On the one hand, we are happy to be able to turn our heads in our ship, especially since the cockpits have been fully modeled. Space battles become much more fun and engaging and the sensations when you enter the atmosphere of a planet are transformed! On the other hand, the pedestrian exploration is far from being pleasant, in addition to losing in practicality. Add to that bugs and a lack of optimization, and the VR report already becomes much less exciting, except for a few moments of glares.
No Man's Sky Beyond: Should we really get back to it?In the additions section, two concepts change your daily life. The first is the energy system, since any machinery (which includes your base) can no longer work as if by magic now. So you’ll have to build an energy source and then connect it to your machines via a cable system. In addition to a frighteningly demanding and constrained element-based reactor that will be used for emergencies, solar panels will likely be your most efficient source. The good news is that it is possible to create batteries that will conserve energy supplements during the day and then operate at night when there is no more light for your panels. As part of a normal game, this electricity system is unfortunately more restrictive than interesting, especially for those who had built their base before the Beyond update (what a joy to no longer access the content of its chests ... ). That said, in creative mode games it’s possible to play with lights and do fun things, even if the whole thing is lacking in movement right now.
The other important concept is the possibility of making sort of farms with the No Man’s Sky alien races. By giving them the right bait, you can not only mount them (which is of limited interest), but also enjoy their production like milk or honey for example. You can even use machines to automate all of this if you're too lazy to get your hands dirty. With the harvested ingredients, you can make dishes that can be sold for nanites. Although the idea is fun with hundreds of recipes, it is still too poorly implemented to be functional today, both in terms of fun and profitability.
Last important point in terms of content: it is now possible to build industrial complexes in order to harvest resources via terrestrial extractions, electromagnetic absorptions (for energy) and atmospheric aspiration. It may sound complex, but just tell yourself that these are three types of place machines that automatically place their resources in the right inventory. A new visor technology to place on the multi-tool makes it possible to find the extraction points, and the rest is done by itself. This is a new way to facilitate farming, an aspect that players have always found binding. On this subject, know that you can now place 9,999 units of any element (such as oxygen for example) in each box of your inventory, against 250 previously (or 500 in the ship / cargo). Forty times more stock, we say yes, even if the fact that manufacturing is always limited to 5 per box remains contradictory, even absurd.
In terms of practical modifications, it is now possible to modify the position of the technologies as we see fit, whether it be on our suit, our vessel, our multi-tool, our aircraft, the Nautilon or our cargo ship. If you already play No Man’s Sky, you know how beneficial it can be because it was sometimes hellish to properly place our improvements!
No Man's Sky Beyond: Should we really get back to it?After this non-exhaustive round of additions, the question is: with Beyond, is No Man’s Sky better? Yes, without a doubt! More practical on many points, improved in terms of content, the Hello Games game has gained in size and depth. And yet, this is not felt on the note for one simple reason: after 3 years of activity, No Man’s Sky seems to be having trouble getting through in terms of finish. The bugs remain devilishly numerous, which becomes less and less excusable as far as Beyond has brought its share of "surprises" at this level. Hello Games is always on the go with regular patches, but the whole thing remains wobbly and some problems have existed since the launch of the game. In addition, the optimization is not really there and the dizzying framerate drops do not count more, even on a war machine for PCists. Between that and the content, which is always a bit sparse, No Man’s Sky still has some good steps to take if it wants its achievement to be at the level of its atmosphere, yet in the sky.
The notes
+ Positive points
An atmosphere to die for, always
The “all procedural” and its share of surprise
Fun in multi
The dynamic exploration
This impression of infinity
The quality of the texts
The bewitching music of 65daysofstatic
Farming made easy
More places in inventories
Space battles in VR
A hardworking community, full of ideas
-Negative points
Lots of bugs
Lack of optimization
Sometimes unstable in multi
Lack of endgame content
Shameful Menus
Binding on foot in VR
No Man’s Sky Beyond brings significant new additions to the NMS adventure, which will delight the loyal community and could perhaps take on a few neophytes. The VR, although wobbly on foot, brings its share of sensation and the multi dynamic is extended thanks to the Nexus. Simplified farming allows players eager for exploration to take less cabbage to ensure their progress. However, persistent bugs, lack of finish and server instability coupled with poor optimization make it a title that can only be played by players willing to apologize for everything. Yes, he has his incredible atmosphere for him, helped by a high-flying soundtrack, but be well aware of the universe in which you enter ...
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