How do I get instagram followers fast

How do I get instagram followers fast

Gain followers on Instagram: classic rules of a social network
First, there is a simple principle on Instagram as on other social networks: to gain followers, you have to get involved in the network. Really get involved. I find that often, for lack of time (or laziness, it must be admitted), I am content to like the photos that pass before my eyes without necessarily making the effort to write a comment, to go looking new accounts ...

However, it is when you get involved that you yourself derive the most benefits in terms of visibility!

Instagram being a social media , we receive the same types of advice as on other social :

Complete your biography carefully and choose a profile image: I wrote an article on the fundamentals to follow to personalize your Instagram profile;
Do not flood your subscribers with photos of low added value;
Take advantage of the social features of the network: take an interest in others while respecting ethical principles that are well known (sincerity, no advertising such as "I follow you if you follow me and otherwise I unsubscribe", etc.);
Offer quality content. Some use the network just to share their daily life with their friends and family (and often have private accounts where they only accept those they know), others - like me - use it too. to discover talented photographers, dream in front of beautiful destinations, find decorating ideas ...

Tips that work to get more Instagram followers

Unique and qualitative content
Instagram remains a network of “beautiful images”. You can blame it for cultivating a cult of perfection, but most of the accounts that grow fast and well are those that post quality content.

These are neat images, not necessarily taken with a state-of-the-art reflex but which are still well framed, not blurry ...

A story to tell

I also think, after a few years on this network, that people enjoy hearing a unique and personal "voice", even behind a (beautiful) image.

Sharing an anecdote, a scene from life, a few stories to feed your account, allows you to get out of the cold "picture book" aspect. It's not easy when you like to keep a certain discretion, but I'm sure it plays a role.

Indeed, today, there are millions of images online on the network ... and many very beautiful photos of the same place for example. The only quality of a photo is therefore no longer the only criterion for differentiating yourself. You have to bring something unique, and what is more unique than you and your personality?

This is also why Instagram stories, which have injected a good dose of spontaneity back into the network, help give you visibility.

Make your account more known

Instagram is a network at the heart of your digital life ... and if you want have  more followers, you have to give it a place: enhance your Instagram account on your blog if you have  (through an icon or by including some pictures in your articles), relay your images Instagram on its Facebook page, create referrals between the platforms you manage so that we know the existence of your account, mention his account in his newsletter ...

Nothing also prevents you from doing a little more explicit "push" concerning your account, by posting a message on your blog or on another media network to help people to join you more and more on Instagram. I have done this 2 or 3 times last year and it has allowed me to gain a few dozen subscribers.

Use hashtags and geolocation

According to a 2015 study by Dan Zarrella analyzing nearly 1.5 million Instagram photos, putting hashtags on your photos increases both the  number of comments. As on Twitter, hashtags make it easy and helpful to find all the images relating to the same theme or thing .

Here I offer you some tips for finding the right hashtags on Instagram, the essential point to gain more visibility and therefore  make more  followers: with an overly popular hashtag, your pictures risk being drowned in the mass; with a too confidential hashtag, not to find a sufficient audience to develop the notoriety of your account.

You can also activate geotagging on your images . Thus, they will be more simply associated with a specific location when a person searches for information on the location in question (business, city, restaurant, etc.), an additional way to gain more  visibility.
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About hicham

hicham elaziz love games . apps and entertainment
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