What are the disadvantages of Instagram?
The dangers of Instagram
As the main disadvantage of this network, and as is the case with other social networks, Instagram has the ability to amplify the effects of a post or a comment. And even more so, this magnitude is doubled when it is photos that support it. As Instagram is an image and video sharing application, it is considered the most dangerous social network, especially for young people.As teenagers are the main users of this social network, they are therefore the first to be exposed to multiple dangers caused by social networks such as hacking an account with the sole purpose of damaging a person's reputation. By sharing personal information with strangers or criminals, Instagram can massively benefit people who wish to hijack it for business or other purposes for their benefits. It even happens that some of them manage to locate you and therefore abuse you thanks to the personal information that has reached them. It is therefore necessary to become aware, before entering it, that social networks are the favorite places of pimps and traffickers, even criminals. Also, a few disproportionate actions on your part can cost you dearly. In the UK, for example, it has been proven that the use of Instagram and Snaptchat is dangerous for the mental health of young people who are the most dependent and the most influenced by them.
If social networks are so successful, it's because their users are increasingly curious about the features they offer. Certainly, these can be used a lot for many things in many areas of life. However, this endless curiosity can also take you down the ladder.
Disadvantage: adverse effects on sleep
A study conducted at Irvine University of California (UCI) shows that lack of sleep may be linked to a more prolonged presence on the web, especially on social networks like Facebook. After taking into account different factors such as gender, age, academic workload and exam dates, the results showed a direct link between chronic sleep deprivation, gloomy mood, lower productivity and poor sleep. increased time spent on Facebook. A study in the Journal of Child Neurology also found that teens who continued to text at night after turning off their bedroom lights experienced poorer quality sleep and lower grades than those who texted the night. light on. Their results showed that after the lights were turned off, the blue light emitted by smartphones and tablets intensified, delaying the release of melatonin, the sleep hormone. This light thus disrupts sleep cycles and the quality of the latter. Note that the blue light emitted by screens can affect melatonin production even when the eyelids are closed.Disadvantage: more expense
According to a poll by Citizen Relations, 56% of Canadians between the ages of 18 and 30 are living beyond their means because of the influence exerted by social media. Some even go as far as spending money to make their Instagram account more attractive.When signing up for a social network like Facebook, remember that the Silicon Valley giant is primarily a company that sells ad space; its goal is to make money selling your personal information.
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