Guacamelee 2 game Review - Ready For A Challenge

Guacamelee 2 game Review - Ready For A Challenge

Guacamelee! 2: A spicy suite

Delicious treat from 2013, Guacamelee! had charmed the players with his sweet artistic direction and his formula skilfully balancing action and platform. Inspired by Mexican culture and a good dose of second degree, this video game piñata and its masked hero offer new adventures. Exotic, funny and spicy, this suite takes place seven years after the events of the first part and promises an epic with good taste of tacos. Once again, the Metroidvania formula, tinged with mariachi tones, works at full speed. Speaking of diet ...

Forget the flashback sequence reminiscent of the epic fight against Calaca, the good old Juan Aguacate no longer has the charisma and the presence of his fiery years. Now housed and the father of two brats, the hero has suffered the horrors of time. Vaulted and paunchy, he wears his golden belt in memory of his escapades of yesteryear. The guy does not breathe the joy of life and despairs of being able, one day, to regain his appearance of muscular stallion. While he is on his way to the village - in order to recover lawyers (yes, in terms of adrenaline, we will iron) - he finds himself facing a terrible threat. The Mexivers, bringing together various parallel worlds, is on the verge of disappearing. Salvador, once on the right side, has passed through the camp of darkness and seeks to seize three sacred relics. If the world of the living comes close to that of the dead, the temporal imbalance will lead to the dreaded catastrophe. Recovering his mask, his youth and his physique from Apollo, Juan is the hope of an entire community.


It only takes a few minutes to rediscover the completely crazy atmosphere of the original. Guacamelee! 2, as you might expect, is a compendium of humor and action with a rhythmic rhythm. The avatar always has this unique approach, to which are added movements with names as evocative as the rooster blow or the frog slap. The commands respond to the tac au tac and we take pleasure in putting good pies to the skeletal entities while passing behind them via subtle feints and dodges. The transformation into chicken, like Samus Aran's Morph Ball, is always there and it doesn't take long to find your bearings. As a result, the developers have integrated a few new movements such as the eagle booster which acts like an invisible grapple or a very practical slide.

Beyond the universe, as engaging as it is immersive, we retain the extraordinary variety of situations. In addition to the sequences in chicken mode, the game multiplies the good ideas: switch between two dimensions (which has an impact on both the decor and the opponents), mechanics of old-fashioned platform games (rebounds on the walls , various types of jumps…), mini-boss… you never get bored for a second! To this is added a combat system that gives pride of place to guard breezes and mugs, some attacks being materialized by colors for maximum efficiency. Guacamelee! 2 has fun with the player, not hesitating to raise the difficulty during a few phases where dexterity is more than recommended, especially during clashes against bosses. In these conditions, cooperative multiplayer, in addition to being fun and friendly, is damn welcome!


Deliberately playing with clichés, Guacamelee! 2 shows remarkable mastery, both visually, but also in terms of level design. In addition to its extensive palette of gameplay, the title of Drinkbox Studios is a model of the genre in the design of its levels. It is therefore more than recommended to get rid of the main path in order to try the countless side challenges that will put your nerves to the test. Sometimes, to get the contents of a chest, you have to suffer! But it is also and above all a good way to take advantage of an artistic direction always so offbeat, colorful and incredibly inspired. Regulars of the first part will ultimately regret that the developers have not gone further in the bidding and the news. The feeling of copy / paste is never far away, whether from a graphic or musical point of view, however the overall mastery, its brilliant soundtrack and its breathless rhythm, can not be denied. Guacamelee! 2 is a bit like a good dish of fajitas. We’re never far from the overdose, but we’re still tightening.

The notes
+ Positive points
Visual and musical mastery
Level design madness
Of rare generosity
Fun, laughter and chicken!

-Negative points
Too much recycling feeling
Some challenges are terrible for the nerves
Not easy to juggle between orders

If the surprise is in the past, Guacamelee! 2 remains a nugget of its kind. Skilfully combining action, puzzles and surgical jumps, the platform with Mexican sauce is incredibly generous. As spicy as a traditional guacamole, the dish is savored despite an impression of recycling that sticks to the skin from start to finish. This lack of renewal is palpable and leaves a little taste of unfinished, but we quickly let ourselves be carried away by the mariachi music of this muscular fable that Disney, with its Coco, would not have denied.
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hicham elaziz love games . apps and entertainment
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