uncharted 2 among thieves review

uncharted 2 among thieves review

Test: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

A fresh franchise, Uncharted is already giving birth to a second installment, presenting itself as one of the most anticipated titles of the year. Blockbuster in power, Uncharted 2 has no other ambition than to impose itself in the eyes of all like THE game that justifies owning or falling for a PS3. Tale of an exceptional game and relentless demonstration of the talent of Naughty Dog, already the father of the famous Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter.

Nathan Drake is a hero who doesn't do things by halves. After tackling El Dorado in Drake's Fortune, the treasure hunter imagined by Naughty Dog follows in the footsteps of Marco Polo in an adventure that must take him to the legendary Shambhala Valley. A quest as improbable and mystical as the first but whose profile is much less linear. The different theaters of this adventure will indeed bring striking visual contrasts, from the greenery of Borneo to the freezing cold of the Himalayas. This is the whole point of this second part called Among Thieves. Naughty Dog offers a constant change of scenery without ever risking the slightest inconsistency in the chronology and is based on one of the richest road maps that an adventure game has exposed to us. An idyllic table which will allow to put forward a clear conclusion: Uncharted 2 is to date the most beautiful game of its kind on PS3 and probably even all media combined.

But to summarize Uncharted 2 to a simple technological demo would be almost an insult. Concretely, the development team has been busy, these last two years, correcting one by one the faults of Drake's Fortune. Game mechanics, AI, technique, dialogues, scenario, lifespan ... The work has been colossal. But the most surprising thing is that this sequel is not a patch. In addition to sweeping away the rare bad memories that one could have of his elder, this title brings more, much more, at all levels. In terms of gameplay first, Nathan has seen his movements multiplied so as to be able to adapt with disconcerting ease to any situation. Thus, the hero enjoys an agility which allows him to be both efficient during the phases of platforms and in full gunfight. The only criticism that we can make of Drake's movement concerns his animation, which is sometimes not very credible. Not that the decomposition of his movements is shocking, quite the contrary, but it is clear that Mr. Nathan sometimes takes a little fanciful postures. In addition, some of his jumps are done much too quickly, which contrasts sharply with the general animation of the hero, based on an extremely realistic physics. Indeed, one of the strong points of the game is to harness Nathan's power and endurance. Useless for example to think of sprinting like a seasoned athlete. Better yet, after certain passages following a (scripted) injury to Nathan, he will have to wait before recovering all his means.

On the platform phases, the player only uses the cross in addition to the analog stick, and the hero executes, adjusting his jump according to the situation. If some may feel too assisted, others will praise this dynamic gameplay and devoid of any frustration. For example, when grabbed onto a wall or ledge, Nathan will only jump in the direction he is told if action is possible. No more jumping into the void as other titles suffer, much more demanding but above all, much less tolerant of approximation. These phases are a joy in that the player does not have to constantly place himself in front of the platform he wishes to reach. The flexibility of the gameplay allows it to give way to instinct and prevents a series of jumps from being chopped up by permanent repositioning. If all this is particularly effective when climbing along a rugged train on the edge of a cliff or to thwart the traps of a snowy mountain, the gameplay becomes downright awesome when the platform mixes with gunfights. Clinging to the car of a locomotive, Nathan can progress in this way along a convoy to better surprise the guards posted inside or on the roof of the wagons. Thus, we discover a stealthy way to get rid of them while waiting for them to approach a ledge to catch them by the tie and take advantage of their weight to send them flying.

The gunfights benefit from the same care and prove to be less rigid than in the previous opus. This time, it is the round button that serves as the basis for each movement since it is the one that allows Nathan to take cover and progress from cover to cover. Added to the rolls, this action makes each gunfight much less laborious and repetitive than in the past. It is then up to the player to use it only to cover himself or to make it the perfect mechanism for a more stealthy approach. Because there too, Uncharted 2 wants to be varied and well thought out, the configuration of a place often makes it possible to eliminate several enemies without being spotted, history of avoiding carnage and putting all the chances on its side. From classic TPS, the title then passes to a subtle game of infiltration in which Nathan plays with the opposing movements while arming himself with patience. By hiding crouched behind a table or a low wall, the treasure hunter can at any time silently eliminate an enemy who is brushing against the obstacle. A detail that considerably changes the approach to gunfights and which some games exclusively based on infiltration do not even enjoy. Finally, we appreciate being able to re-use the riot shield of an enemy who has been knocked down, ideal for advancing with security. Only constraint, you have to settle for a handgun, the other hand being used to hold the shield. Logical!

If it must be admitted that the AI ​​can sometimes be easily fooled during the infiltration phases, it knows more how to defend itself during moments of pure and hard shootings. Regularly made up of snipers and equipped with rocket launchers, the enemy armies do everything to slow your progress. Compared with the previous episode, we feel the enemy AI more fine but not necessarily more precise. Anyway, she does not rush straight ahead after having seen you and knows how to use the elements of the decor to take cover as much as possible. The least you can tell me! As for the allied AI, apart from its fierce tendency to progress without expecting too much and then to rail against your relative slowness, it is difficult to criticize. More than solid, it is however not always very effective. Just don't you use Elena or Chloe as a diversion to be able to get around the enemy! Their help is pretty superfluous but they weren't expected to do the job for Nathan. Especially since the arsenal he has, and can recover from the body of his opponents, is more than enough for the task! Handguns, submachine guns, shotguns, telescopic rifles, crossbows, grenades, rocket launchers, propane canisters to detonate, turrets of defense ... Everything is there for dynamic and explosive confrontations. Note in passing that the management of ammunition is simply perfect, forcing the player not to waste, without weaning him from means of defense.

The notes
Graphics 19/20
Magnificent to the point of being sometimes touching, Among Thieves is to this day the most beautiful game on PS3 and perhaps even on HD consoles. In addition to relying on a perfectly mastered design, it impresses with the innumerable details enjoyed by the different levels. Fine, colorful, varied, this track accumulates technical and aesthetic prowess to the point that we are surprised to spend long minutes scrutinizing these places of inexhaustible richness. Slap after slap, he amazes without false note and does not suffer from any visual ailment that he would have inherited from his elder.

Gameplay 18/20
Most of the efforts were concentrated on the animation of Nathan. If it can sometimes lack credibility on jumps, the exhaustiveness of the hero's movements is enough to make us forget this little imperfection. Designed to ward off all frustration, the gameplay is full of ingenious solutions. While other adventure games suffer from a certain rigidity, Uncharted 2 knows how to be tolerant when necessary, not forcing the player to take out the compass to succeed in a sequence of jumps or quite simply, to pick up objects and ammunition littering its path.

Lifespan 14/20
Allow 10 hours to complete the adventure by selecting the second level of difficulty (out of four). Basically, it's already 25% longer than Drake's Fortune, but by adding multiplayer, you get a very satisfactory life. The most motivated will also be able to find the 100 "hidden" treasures here and there to be sure you have toured the game.

Soundtrack 18/20
The tracklist is remarkable in quality, blending perfectly into the atmosphere of Among Thieves. Each passage is accompanied by a piece played in rhythm with the action, depending on whether you play an infiltration phase, platforms, reflection or a gunfight. The dubbing meanwhile, goes perfectly with the physique and the character of the protagonists. The icing on the cake, the dialogues have matured without neglecting humor. A little delight.

Scenario 15/20
Despite the revival of characters with the charisma of a vegetative mold, the story of Among Thieves is engaging and much less predictable than that of Drake's Fortune. Less stereotypes, more depth and a touch of humor help make the odyssey fascinating. Rather than a mixture of inspirations of choice, this scenario born from original ideas based on the mythical voyages of Marco Polo is fresh and above all, not linear.

A real interactive film, Uncharted 2 is the result of work based on staging, immersion and a change of scenery. More mature than Drake's Fortune, Among Thieves relies above all on an inexhaustible panel of movements and strives to never frustrate the player who is one with Nathan Drake. The title of Naughty Dog immerses us in an exciting quest without dead time, alternating atmospheres and colors with real skill. Sometimes in bad shape, hobbled, frightened, oppressed, the hero of Uncharted 2 goes beyond the conventions of the genre and presents himself as a man rather than a machine that does not bear the stigma of such an adventure. Simply anthological.

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