grand theft auto 3 game reviews

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Test: Grand Theft Auto 3

Take 2 Interactive is definitely not afraid of anything. While the vigipirate plan is in full swing across France, the publisher is releasing the third installment of GTA, its controversial series. A new episode in line with the previous two that makes us plunge head first into the wonderful world of organized crime.

Even if you don't know anything about video games, you should have heard of GTA at least once in your life. Remember, a few years ago, this game hit the headlines with its irreverent and devoid of morality. You played a bandit in the service of the local mafia and had to fulfill all kinds of missions while playing with the police. You could even run over passers-by there, giving you many additional points to pass. Well here comes the third part of this game on PS2. The concept hasn't changed much. You are always a mobster looking for the smallest job, dishonest if possible. What has changed, however, is the mode of representation. No more small sprites in 2D, now make way for all-3D modeling. But rest assured, the game has lost none of its original charm, quite the contrary.

Compared to its two predecessors, GTA 3 is much more scripted and you will no longer have access to all clans from the start of the game. Here you will have to finish a certain number of jobs for the same gang before you can go to the next one. On the other hand, the order of the missions is not linear and you will always have the choice between several objectives, just so as not to take the lead for too long if you block in one place. In addition, the game over does not exist in this game (or so I am a god of the pad, because I have not seen one), if you fail during a mission, you will just have to return to see your sponsor to try again. The objectives vary from the simple theft of a car to the shooting in good and due form, through the whole host of daily activities of the mafioso (trapping cars, bringing prostitutes to good friends, taking down an embarrassing person ... ).

The great novelty of GTA 3, I said above, lies in its transition to 3D. In addition to displaying more current graphics (I have nothing against 2D, do not make me say what I did not say :), we also enjoy a much greater immersion in the heart of the action. Liberty City, the city in which the game takes place, is superbly modeled with a fairly complex road network (crossroads, bridges, tunnels), heavy traffic in places, many pedestrians and a whole bunch of other small details that make the living environment: rubbish on the ground, a metro line (which you can take), the alternation of day and night, the changing climate ... Strolling through the streets of Liberty City is therefore a real pleasure . The city is also aptly named because you will be free to do just about anything and everything. By stealing the right vehicles, you can even earn money as a taxi driver, firefighter or even a paramedic.

The realization of the software is of a good level even if the modeling of the characters is much more reminiscent of what was done on Ps One than what we are entitled to expect from a PS2. It is not ugly, but it is not very beautiful either. Their gestures are more natural, and therefore more convincing. You have to see yourself stopping the cars to eject their driver ... The range of hero movements includes all the possible actions for a criminal, including the superb erect middle finger facing motorists, commonly called "finger of honor". The soundtrack is a real treat and nobody will complain about the voices that remained in English in view of the excellent cast they bring together, of which the excellent Joe Pantoliano (the traitor in Matrix) is one. In addition, you will be entitled to several life-like radio stations that you can change while driving. The opera station which gives an atmosphere to Orange Mechanics mixing violence and classical music.

However, not everything is perfect in GTA 3, especially the aiming system with weapons. Getting to hit your target the first time is a feat. It may seem paradoxical for a game that rightly includes automatic aiming, but changing targets during a race is very difficult, if not downright impossible when too many enemies point their nose. This is honestly the only big flaw that we can blame GTA 3. The rest is pure happiness. The driving of the cars is perfect and varies from one vehicle to another, the collisions are very well managed and often lead to spectacular stunts. Hood in the air, windshield less, rickety doors, wrinkled bodywork, GTA 3 of course manages the deformations and you will often have to drive with real wrecks. In short, this title is a real success which fully deserves its place among the best of the console.

The notes
Graphics 16/20
Despite a somewhat dubious character modeling, the immensity of Liberty City and the number of details that the city contains ensures GTA 3 a very satisfactory graphic quality.

Gameplay 16/20
The gameplay depends a lot on the vehicle you are driving and the state it is in. As a rule, everything is OK. Only the aiming system would have deserved to be more efficient.

Lifespan 18/20
73 missions, a huge city, secondary objectives (taxi missions, firefighters, etc.), GTA 3 ensures lifespan.

Soundtrack 17/20
The voices are perfect. You can easily recognize the gang to which each character belongs just by hearing their accent. In terms of sound effects, it's also very good.

Scenario 16/20
A scenario which will make you meet in turn the seven gangs of the city. The mission objectives are diverse and varied and will surprise you every time.

Beautiful, long, original ... GTA 3 has all the qualities required to become a must of the PS2. Already censored for its French version, it remains only to hope that this title will not rekindle the big controversy that surrounded the release of previous episodes. On this subject, it is nevertheless good to remember that video games are neither more nor less than a way to escape from reality. Go to conquer unknown territories, play football matches against international teams, pilot spaceships, or why not, as here, take on the role of a criminal ... Where would be the interest of a game that would put us back in our daily lives? I leave you there.

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hicham elaziz love games . apps and entertainment
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