rez infinite psvr review

rez infinite psvr review 

Rez Infinite: A PS VR musical trip to turn your senses

In video games, cinema or music, habits are ingrained in our daily lives and it is never easy to be confronted with difference. So when a production goes off the beaten track and disrupts the codes that we have been taught for years, the slap is only great. At the end of the 90s, SEGA was in bad shape and then made a radical decision: to give carte blanche to the creatives of its internal and external studios. This policy will give birth to a host of games that are both amazing, quirky and technically impressive. At the time, Tetsuya Mizuguchi, long specialized in racing games (SEGA Rally, SEGA Touring Car ...), was interested in musical titles. After Space Channel 5, a colorful rhythm game featuring reporter Ulala, the native of Hokkaido arrives with Rez, a UFO that will be as appreciated as it is decried. Many years later, and under the aegis of Enhance Games, he returned to PlayStation VR and managed to sublimate a concept that was already madly addictive.

Worship. Rez is a cult game but it turns out to be terribly destabilizing at first. To end up with a wireframe realization at a time when 3D tends more and more towards photo-realism, it's a bit like reaching the sound barrier with a glider: the shock is total! And if this observation is true today, it was already fifteen years ago. Released in 2001 in Japan, at a time when the SEGA console was pitching dangerously, the little Rez had a hard time making its hole, especially against the tenors represented by the Sonic Adventure 2, Shenmue II or Virtua Tennis 2. But over the months, its popularity has continued to explode, until its presence becomes essential in the Dreamcast toy library. Rez is the story of an unusual game, representative of a time when the Japanese were trying crazy bets and which demonstrates, to anyone who wants to hear it, that its concept is very timeless.


The idea behind Rez, according to its director Jun Kobayashi, was to immerse players in a disco atmosphere without going to the club. There was also talk of offering an experience that is accessible to everyone, without the need to open a notice. Because yes, there was a time, each game had its manual. Based on these principles, he then had the ingenuity to associate technoid music with wireframe graphics, which are only the symbol of his passion for the old arcade games of the Missile Command or Star type. Wars. The result, at the time, was completely disconcerting. And yet, it only took one test to become addicted and devour all the internships in one go.

On closer inspection, however, Rez is not exceptional. It is only a rail shooter (a shooter with a predefined path) whose progression is embellished with strobe flashes, techno / electro themes and mesmerizing lights. Like a Panzer Dragoon, the player locks the different targets (up to 8 simultaneously) and thus increases his score as the level scrolls. Seen like that, it sounds very simplistic but Rez is much more than that. In reality, the music evolves as the player continues his journey. The rhythm accelerates, the melody is enriched, the bass becomes more pressing and the game ends up snapping us up, so as not to let go, until a crazy final trip against the boss. Rez is a visual and sound flight, divided into 5 stages, where beats and combos multiply. It is an exhilarating experience which, to this day, has no equivalent (Child of Eden is only a spiritual continuation). But if PlayStation VR is not mandatory to enjoy it, it would be a shame to miss the main asset of this edition. With the virtual reality headset, the immersion of the original is completely increased. And it redefines the perception that we have of the game of United Game Artists.


With VR, finding yourself in the place of the avatar offers a new dimension to this virtual "headlong rush". With the animation in 60 frames per second and the resolution in 1080p, we rediscover a game that had, however, no more secrets for us. Whether with the PlayStation Move or the PS4 controller, Rez Infinite delivers sensations simply fabulous! To progress, the player has only to move his head to target the forms to destroy and accumulate everything with the action key. It's simple to understand and incredibly effective! The smoothness of the whole also makes it possible to avoid any syndrome of motion sickness and it is even possible, for those not accustomed to PS VR, to keep the "standard" style (instead of dynamic) for a more sweet. We take great pleasure in evolving in this half-digital, half-organic world, swaying to the rhythm of a soundtrack that continues to make history. The progression, reminiscent of Panzer Dragoon games (even some longiform enemies seem straight out of Team Andromeda games), is of limitless creativity! You can easily soak up the atmosphere in which you are drawn. The small electronic entities of the first level give way to more and more complex and imposing creatures and each meeting with a boss is a unique moment. Rez is a completely separate game and we must admit that we do not come out unscathed.


With five levels, it is undeniable that Rez suffers from an express lifespan. To alleviate this defect, the developers decided to bring new blood to the original and the least we can say is that they have put the package! Based on the Unreal Engine 4, Zone X is a new mode in which it is possible to embody the avatar by moving freely. For about half an hour, we take advantage of a trip that gives an idea of ​​what a hypothetical Rez 2 could be. Difficult to remain unmoved in front of such a mass of particles and colors with, as a bonus, a final in apotheosis ! With such immersion, we really want Tetsuya Mizuguchi and his family to give us a suite. Let the madmen of the high score be reassured, it is always possible to brave the different bosses in a dedicated mode or to explode the records by perfecting like a real DJ. As for novices, they can indulge in the "Travel" mode which, as the name suggests, prevents any error. Rez had built a solid reputation, it is forging a true legend.

The notes
+ Positive points
Crazy soundtrack
Zone X (and its music!)
VR enhances the original game
Unique sensations
The bosses
And if not, have you been told that music tears?

-Negative points
Too short, we want more!
Techno, electro, we like it or not
Cervicals in Zone X

Misunderstood at the time, Rez was truly ahead of its time. With virtual reality, the game from United Game Artists demonstrates that yesterday's experiences can be adapted with current technologies. Fun, immersive and not stingy with new things, Rez Infinite is a great title! Zone X is undoubtedly one of the most exhilarating and breathtaking moments we have ever experienced with PlayStation VR! Even its theme, created by the duo Hydelic, manages to get in tune with the formidable soundtrack of the basic game. As you might expect, Rez Infinite is flawless and among the best games in the media. Now that Tetsuya Mizuguchi is convinced of the potential of virtual reality, all we have to do is wait for the rest!

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hicham elaziz love games . apps and entertainment
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