Chemical examination results
Urine is usually a little acidic. If it is very acidic or very alkaline, it may mean that you are more likely to have kidney stones (hard deposits of minerals like calcium that form in the kidney).
Some substances are not usually present in urine.
The presence of protein in the urine (proteinuria) may indicate kidney problems, kidney disease, high blood pressure, inflammation of the urinary tract, or cancer of the urinary tract.
The presence of sugar in the urine can indicate diabetes or disease of the liver or pancreas.
The presence of blood in the urine (hematuria) may indicate bleeding in the urinary tract, possibly from cancer.
The presence of bilirubin in the urine may indicate cancer in the liver or a blockage of a bile duct by a tumor.
Microscopic examination results
Examining urine under a microscope can find cells, parts of cells, bacteria or other germs.
The increased number of red blood cells (RBCs) and hemoglobin level in the urine means that there is blood in the urine.
The increase in the number of white blood cells (WBCs) in the urine may mean that there is an infection or inflammation of the urinary tract.
The increase in the number of epithelial cells in the urine may mean that there is infection, inflammation or cancer.
The presence of bacteria in the urine can mean that there is an infection in the urinary tract or vagina.
What happens if the results are abnormal
If the results are abnormal, your doctor may ask you to take another urine sample for analysis. Your doctor may recommend other tests, procedures, follow-up care, or treatment.
Special considerations for children
It may be more difficult to collect urine from a child. If it is not clean, a tube (catheter) may be inserted into his urethra so that urine is drained into a plastic bag attached to the tube. For a baby, you can use a special bag rather than a diaper to collect urine.
Preparing a child for a urinalysis depends on his age and experience. Find out more about how to help a child cope with testing and treatment.
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