You just bought an Acer Liquid Zest and when you start it it prompts you with the following error message: Unrecognized SIM card. It regularly happens that the Acer Liquid Zest fails to recognize the SIM card and displays this message. In this case, it is not always necessary to bring the Acer Liquid Zest directly. In practice, there are precious solutions to solve this problem, so we will find out in this tutorial, what to do and check so that the SIM card is recognized on the Acer Liquid Zest.HOW TO DO IF THE SIM CARD IS NOT RECOGNIZED ON YOUR ACER LIQUID ZEST
In case the SIM card is not recognized on the Acer Liquid Zest, here is a list of things that can give you the possibility to determine the cause of the problem, see fixing the problem.CLEAN THE SIM CARD
One of the first things to do in the event that the SIM card is not recognized on the Acer Liquid Zest, is to clean it. And yes, it regularly happens that a dirt partially prevents the contact between the SIM card and the mobile. In order to clean it, put a mini cloth rag on it and check if it is not damaged.CHECK THE LOCATION OF THE SIM CARD ON THE ACER LIQUID ZEST
It can sometimes happen that the concern comes from the location of the SIM card. In fact, it often happens that the mini metal plugs that normally touch the SIM card are slightly relaxed. When this is the case, it prevents the Acer Liquid Zest from recognizing the SIM card. To solve this problem, just slightly thicken the SIM card by adding one or two pieces of tape on the back.TEST THE SIM CARD ON ANOTHER PORTABLE
In order to find out if the concern is from the SIM card, you are able to try it on another phone and have your explanation. If it is not recognized on other smartphones, you can now replace the SIM card.
Assuming that the previous 2 steps do not work, it suffices to test another SIM card to understand if the problem comes from the card. Undeniably, if another SIM card works on the Acer Liquid Zest, it means that the malfunction comes from the card. Conversely, it is at the level of the device that we will have to look.ENSURE THAT YOUR ACER LIQUID ZEST IS NOT SIMLOCKED
If you have tried various SIM cards on the Acer Liquid Zest and none are recognized, it is possible that the mobile is Simlocker. This means that the Acer Liquid Zest will only be able to recognize the SIM cards of a certain operator. In this case, you will have to unlock it. You will find without worry a lot of offers on the net who know how to do that.BE CAREFUL THAT THE MALFUNCTION DOES NOT COME FROM THE ROM INSTALLED ON THE ACER LIQUID ZEST
This part mainly concerns individuals who have rooted the Acer Liquid Zest in order to install a ROM that is not the original one. If this is indeed your case, you should know that the problem of unrecognized SIM card is relatively common after installing new ROMs. We therefore recommend that you reinstall an original ROM and retest.IF NOTHING WORKS
If all the above tricks do not work, we recommend that you bring the Acer Liquid Zest and the SIM card to one of your operator's stores.
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