tomb raider video game review

tomb raider video game review 

When Crystal Dynamics redraws the character of Lara Croft in 2013, the result is impressive. More realistic, more mature, more current, the adventurer is always as combative but more inexperienced, this state of mind serving the game through its progression but also the empathy provided by the character and therefore the stronger links between this one and the player. While Rise of the Tomb Raider (direct continuation of the previous one) was enclosed in a certain ease, the whole was always just as fresh thanks to the mastery of the developers who keep the guideline taken by the reboot. 2018 sees the arrival of the third episode of the trilogy, this time developed jointly by Eidos Montreal and Crystal. A sign of a big change? Not so sure.

If we had to compare Shadow of the Tomb Raider with another game, it would undoubtedly be Batman Arkham Origins with which it maintains several common points in its development. First of all, we are talking here about a series that brilliantly redefined a character in the space of an episode. Then, in both cases, the original developer left his baby with another team, Warner Games Montreal for Batman, Eidos Montreal in this case. Finally, the Canadian developers had to take up the torch, by taking advantage of a proven basic material, but also and above all by having to bring their know-how in order to bring some new blood to the series through its scenario and its gameplay. The starting point between the two games, the third of a reboot in both cases, is therefore similar ... The end result is also.


If the atmosphere of Shadow of the Tomb Raider was central throughout the communication plan, it is not by chance. Indeed, what best represents this new episode is undoubtedly its atmosphere and its absolute will to return to the origins of the saga through a story much more anchored in an exoticism of each moment returning by moments to the first hours of Tomb Raider III. However, Shadow wants to be much darker, this is reflected through its title, the first stone announcing a scenario highlighting a dark Mayan prophecy where Lara will play a central role as much in her desire to prevent heralds end of the world than in that of arresting the Trinitarians. The basic idea is therefore completely legitimate and very interesting, especially as the whole is documented. We also note the desire to linger more on Lara, haunted by her past and her parents, the latter having shaped her personality and her taste for archeology.

The prospect of knowing more about the story of the Croft young lady (very fluctuating since 1996 depending on the episodes and the supports) is therefore exciting, especially when it is inspired by good ideas from Uncharted 4. Unfortunately, she often faces several concerns. First of all, the technical level of the title sometimes serves sequences based on strong emotions linked to awareness. Lara having finally only two, three facial expressions (often too much supported), we will be inclined to smile in front of certain reactions not always connected with the feelings supposed to be conveyed. It should also be understood that the staging during the dialoged scenes proves to be not very mobile, sometimes uses awkward ellipses and very often opts for the classic field / counter-field not really helping to delve into the story which, paradoxically, turns out to be the most interesting of the trilogy. Conversely, we welcome the scripted chases, by no means overused, rather impressive and ideal for boosting progress.

Finally, the twilight atmosphere, sometimes eyeing the fantastic sacrificial, gives the game a real personality by accentuating as it should be its darkness. In fact, if we absently follow the scenario, we take pleasure in wandering in this semi open world formed by two gigantic hubs (the village of Kuwaq Yaku and the city of Païtiti) around which are articulated main missions and Tombs to visit. Although the work to make Paititi alive and credible is palpable, we will blame Eidos for not having been to the end of things. So, if we can opt for an immersive audio mode (in which the natives speak their native language), it is a little silly that Lara continues to speak French (or English), as if the villagers (apart from the main ones) had an understanding perfect language while not speaking a single word. Admittedly, we can well imagine that this decision was taken for reasons of time and budget but even if it meant making a universe credible, why not give yourself the means by going to the end of your vision?

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Is Lara just the shadow of herself?
Although the technical level is not always optimal, let's give back to César what belongs to César, the game once again benefits from a sumptuous artistic direction. While the superb panoramas follow one another continuously from start to finish, the interiors are not to be outdone and certain plays of light embellish compositions extremely studied to immerse the player. Unfortunately, we will also regret here the presence of several technical concerns, in particular in the management of light sources, certain passages being really too dark and this despite the automatic use of the flashlight by Lara ... When she deigns the use.

We will also find it unfortunate that the impression of grandeur, released from Païtiti, is more effective indoors (in caves and other Tombs) than outdoors, the feeling of evolving in partitioned levels then being more present. A level design problem? Yes and no because in itself, Shadow of the Tomb Raider taking place in the middle of the Peruvian jungle, we may find it normal to deal with more suffocating environments, with numerous and magnificent underwater passages and a moist jungle very often covering the 'horizon also highlighted at regular intervals through beautiful plans. It should also be remembered that the central hub of Rise of the Tomb Raider also served as a place of action, this offering greater openness to the scuffles which in this opus take place mainly in more cramped places and especially thought for infiltration .

Conversely, we welcome the architecture of the Tombs, more numerous, better thought out and built around puzzles a little more varied than those of the two previous opuses, relying much more on the understanding of mechanisms. On this subject, we can only advise you too much to deactivate the Survival Instinct and the Ground Aids. Note that depending on your desires, you can change the difficulty of the fights, exploration and puzzles at any time to improve the immersion and the challenge.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Is Lara just the shadow of herself?
This change of tone being the real engine of this Shadow of the Tomb Raider, it was logical that it also resurfaced through the gameplay. A very good thing because from now on, we will be encouraged to be much more discreet than going inside. For example, we simply note three or four passages forcing us to use our firearms (shotgun, submachine gun, gun) to eliminate creatures or Trinitarians particularly numerous and tenacious. This does not of course mean that you will not be able to use the strong way throughout the game but at your own risk, hiding once spotted is not that easy, especially depending on the topography more or less open places. However, the level-design being built and thought out for infiltration, you will very often have the possibility of climbing in the trees or going from bush to bush to gain the upper hand over your opponents.

Besides the natural elements, you will also have many ways to go unnoticed. First, you can cover yourself with mud to more easily blend into the decor and be more difficult to spot. If the technique is crucial in Difficult, it is less so in Normal, at least until you meet guards armed with thermal glasses who will even see you hidden in a thicket. In this case, you will have to use your arsenal and unlock skills using recoverable skill points by gaining experience. Note that like Rise of the Tomb Raider, the developers of Shadow have retained certain techniques that are too effective, starting with poisoned arrows or trapped corpses, and have incorporated new ones such as the terrorizing arrows used to return a enemy against another. You will nevertheless need to recover elements to craft the said arrows, this again combining with the picking of plants to slow time, recover health faster ... Once prepared, it will be up to you to vary the Pleasures by bringing enemies where you want them (by shooting arrows, throwing bottles, etc.) to eliminate them in silence, by shooting an arrow in their heads or by blending into the background to better surprise them so to plant a knife in their full carotid artery. Lara is more than ever the predator and like any predator, it will be up to you to play with your prey before bringing them the final pest.

However, to vary the approaches, you must first improve your weapons, unlock skills (via a redesigned tree) and then use your survival instinct (disabled in Hard) to spot your enemies, the red / yellow color informing you about their level of vulnerability. Likewise, you will be able to craft different costumes, while hunting animals, to increase your chances of going unnoticed. In addition to the aesthetic aspect (the game offering as such all the costumes of Rise of the Tomb Raider as long as you have kept your backup), several outfits will give you an advantage such as increased resistance against ranged attacks or a gain more important exp. One way to encourage us to trudge through the levels to hunt and recover all the collectibles and other caches containing experience and money. Once the pockets are full of pesos, all you have to do is go to the merchants to buy upgrades for your weapons, ammunition, materials, healing items and more.

Besides, take the time to stroll through the villages because in addition to witnessing scenes of life making their visit very pleasant, you can also unlock side quests. Although not all of the most exciting, they have the merit of not being too fake, of extending the lifespan by 20, 25 hours and allowing us to combine all that the game has to offer: action, infiltration and exploration. In this respect, let us salute the platform phases making our wanderings more stimulating thanks to a good level-design and the use of the grappling hook bringing a little freshness.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is therefore most convincing when it comes to setting an atmosphere, both through its Tombs and its infiltration sequences or its exploration. It is simply a shame that a good idea often echoes in a problem. While revolving around a construction slightly redesigned to make its semi Open World more alive, the game locks itself up in a certain compartmentalization, at least when it comes to progressing in the Peruvian jungle. Nevertheless, by taking care of its visual, its atmosphere and by proposing a more effective gameplay as well in its action as its phases of platforms, the title of Eidos Montreal manages to get away with the honors even if the whole would have without doubt deserved a last shot of polish while enjoying better writing and a more inspired staging.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is doing very well thanks to its atmosphere, closer to that of the original episodes than the latest opuses, while closing the trilogy started in 2013. Enjoying a sumptuous artistic direction, sequences of better thought platforms and Tombs built around more interesting puzzles, the title unfortunately loses a little foot when it comes to telling its story or fully immersing the player. The fault at an uneven technical level, some blunders in its construction and a big impression of deja-vu. However, the baby from Eidos Montreal remains a very good game that will make the fans' hearts vibrate through superb panoramas and an atmosphere full of nostalgia.
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